Online shop for Industrial electronics and Automation
Online shop for Industrial electronics and Automation
Timers, Relays, Heater current, contactor, Semiconductor Contactor, Contactor.
New MAX-4/11/03/128/99/1/1/00 ELAU PacDrive FW:00.16.42 Schneider Electric PROFIBUS Slave+INC-4Product no.: 64255008NEW (Original Box) Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/128/99/1/1/00 Schneider Electric FW: 00.16.42 + OM/MAX-4 PROFIBUS DP-Slave 51130232 + OM/MAX-4/INC-4/10 2 In/1 Out 51130244-001 On Inquiry! Delivery time 5-9 working days. |
Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/128/08/1/1/00 Schneider Electric SW:00.24.25 + PROFIBUS DP-MasterProduct no.: 72251237Spare Parts / Refurbished (No Original Box) Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/128/08/1/1/00 Schneider Electric SW: 00.24.25 + OM/MAX-4 PROFIBUS DP-MASTER 51130237 can be shipped within 1-3 days |
New Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/128/08/0/1/00 Schneider Electric FW:00.24.25 + PROFIBUS DP-SLAVEProduct no.: 76251006NEW (without ORIGINAL BOX) Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/128/08/0/1/00 Schneider Electric FW: 00.24.25 + OM/MAX-4 PROFIBUS DP-Slave 51130232 can be shipped within 4-7 days |
New Beckhoff CX9020-0112 Windows Embedded Compact 7 StandardProduct no.: 10902012NEW Beckhoff CX9020-0112 processor ARM Cortex A8 1 GHz 512 MB Compact Flash card 1GB RAM RJ45 DVI USB Windows Embedded Compact 7 TwinCAT Current daily price
can be shipped within 1-3 days |
New Phoenix Contact QUINT PS/1AC/24DC/3.5A 2866747 power supplyProduct no.: 10162866747New Power Supply QUINT POWER for DIN rail mounting Phoenix Contact QUINT PS / 1AC / 24DC / 3.5A 2866747 Current daily price
can be shipped within 1-3 days |
New Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/128/08/1/0/00 Schneider Electric 13130251-004 PROFIBUS DP-SlaveProduct no.: 103813025104NEW Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/128/08/1/0/00 Schneider Electric 13130251-004 OM/MAX-4 PROFIBUS DP-Slave 51130232 can be shipped within 4-7 days |
Festo E.IPC Beck PS1 Beck control PLCProduct no.: 1015924401-2Spare Parts (USED) Festo IPC Beck E.IPC- HC17 PS1-CP31 PS1-CP70 E.IPC-FC10 PS1-HD50 E.IPC-PS10 PS1-HC17 can be shipped within 1-3 days |
Elau PMC-2/11/08/000/00/00/00/00/00 SW:10.09.03 Controller 13130225 RefurbishedProduct no.: 81130225Spare Parts/Refurbished Elau PMC-2/11/08/000/00/00/00/00/00 SW:10.09.03 Controller ELAU 13130225 On Inquiry! |
Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/016/99/1/0/00 Schneider Electric + PROFIBUS Master + INC-4/10Product no.: 1043132514Spare Parts (USED, Refurbished) Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/03/016/99/1/0/00 Schneider Electric SW:00.11.09 + OM/MAX-4 PROFIBUS DP-Master 51130237 + OM/MAX-4/INC-4/10 2 In/1 Out 51130244-001 can be shipped within 5-9 days |
Elau PacDrive OM / MAX-4 Profibus DP-SLAVE 51130232 Option ModuleProduct no.: 51130232Elau PacDrive OM / MAX-4 Profibus DP-SLAVE 51130232 Option Module Schneider Electric can be shipped within 1-3 days |
New Siemens 6ES5948-3UA21 S5 Simatic CPU 948 6ES5 948-3UA21Product no.: 10394831NEU Simatic S5 CPU948U Siemens Central Processing Unit 6ES5948-3UA21 Current daily price
can be shipped within 1-3 days |
Schneider Electric VBO03S00 DB-5 DISTRIBUTION BOX ELAU 13130266-001Product no.: 32026601NEW Schneider Electric VBO03S00 DB-5 DISTRIBUTION BOX ELAU 13130266-001 can be shipped within 1-3 days |
Pilz PSS PS 301050 Power Supply Fail Safe 24V DCProduct no.: 1023301050Spare Parts (used) Pilz PSS 3000 PSS PS Power Supply 24V DC Fail Safe 301050 Fail Safe |
New Phoenix Contact 2794916 TT-SLKK5/ 48DC Modular terminal block with varistorProduct no.: 48794916NEW Phoenix Contact 2794916 TT-SLKK5/ 48DC Modular terminal block with varistor Current daily price
can be shipped within 1-3 days |
Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/02/016/99/0/1/00 Schneider Electric 13130255-006Product no.: 102513130255Spare Part (USED) Elau PacDrive MAX-4/11/02/016/99/0/1/00 Schneider Electric 13130255-006 On inquiry! Delivery time 5-9 days |
61 - 75 of 114 results |